To help government and political institutions perform with the highest level of integrity, responsiveness, accountability and transparency
Seen by the Arab Spring, Black Lives Matters and the increased number of anti-government protests, democracy is being questioned and tested. Previously unrepresented voices are becoming more visible through new levels of education, technologies and means of communication. The majoritarian method of representation and symbolic elections are receiving more pressure to be truly inclusive, responsive and accountable.
Social fragmentation lead by populist agendas polarise the perception of each other and national visions, creating weaknesses in the social and political fabric. Autocratic attempts and control of information, new technology and power further diminishes the respect and responsiveness of citizen rights. In the midst of these challenges, discussions around democratic ‘renewal’ and strengthening seek to bring new perspectives and solutions to create further unity, collaboration, inclusive representation and democratic governance.

Support the development of democracy, and through this, contribute to a more peaceful and democratic world.
Support the development of democracy, and through this, contribute to a more peaceful and democratic world.